Mail Protection

Our Mail Protection service is designed to keep your inbox secure from malicious emails, phishing attempts, and other threats. We continuously check and verify essential email security protocols to ensure your emails are protected. Additionally, we maintain an up-to-date IP/Host Blocklist and Domain and E-Mail Address list, which is actively monitored and updated to ensure maximum protection.

Key Features:

Our system checks and validates the following key security measures for your email domain:

  • iconDKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) – We ensure that DKIM is properly configured and valid, protecting your domain from email spoofing.
  • iconDMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) – We confirm that DMARC is in place, adding an additional layer of security to your email authentication.
  • iconSPF (Sender Policy Framework) – We check that SPF is correctly set up, preventing unauthorized users from sending emails to your domain.

Why Choose Our Mail Protection?

With our comprehensive checks for DKIM, SPF, and DMARC, you can rest assured that your email communication is secure, and your domain is protected from abuse. Our service is enhanced by our IP/Host Blocklist and Domain and E-Mail Address list, which currently contains around 5 GB of data. This extensive database is continuously maintained to provide real-time protection by blocking known malicious IPs, domains, and emails, ensuring that your communication remains secure.

In our dashboard, you can monitor all incoming emails that pass through our spam filter. However, emails that are rejected before being forwarded to our spam filter will not appear in the dashboard.

  • iconOngoing Monitoring
  • iconEasy Integration
  • iconProtect Against Phishing
  • iconPrevent Domain Spoofing

Trouble sending emails? Check our requirements to send Mails to a SentraGuard protected domain.