Advanced spam filtering to keep your inbox secure from harmful emails, phishing, and malware.
We provide reliable security for your emails, domains, and online presence to protect you from digital threats.
Block phishing and malware with our advanced spam filtering system.
Protect your domain from attacks with reliable DNS services.
Report and block malicious IPs, domains, and emails.
To use the Mail Protection service, please contact our partner TropicSolutions. They are the only authorized provider of this service, while we solely provide the software to them.
Yes, 99% of our projects are completely free for everyone. This project is designed to help us gain more experience in development and cybersecurity. For any paid services, please visit TropicSolutions.
No, you can create as many domains as you need. Please note that before using your domain, we check it against the SentraIPDB database. If your domain is listed, you must request a takedown.
We store your data on secure servers located in highly protected data centers. We will not share your data with third parties.